ASB President Candidates 2025-2026

Pearl Lakhani

What makes Cupertino High School unique?

Something that makes Tino unique is the amazing opportunities available to students. From numerous sports to clubs for almost every interest and events like Homecoming and Tino Olympics, my peers have many ways to express themselves, get new experiences, and build relationships. While other schools in our district have similar opportunities, what sets Tino apart is the strong sense of community and encouragement to try new things. Whether from teachers, friends, or classmates, I have always felt supported in stepping outside my comfort zone, and I see my peers getting the same encouragement.

Helllooo Tino! My name is Pearl Lakhani, and I’m running to be your ASB President for the upcoming year! As ASB Vice President, I’ve gained valuable experience that will help me succeed in this role. Some fun facts about me: I’m on the Tino Girls Varsity Soccer Team and have played for 8 years, I’m an In-N-Out addict, and I love Harry Potter! My goals include lowering Winter Formal ticket prices, increasing transparency by recapping ASB updates each month, and keeping our campus cleaner. Leadership is a privilege, and I will work hard to produce results! Check out @pearlakhani on IG for more info!

How will ASB, under your leadership, move towards making Cupertino High School a better place?

As ASB VP for the past year, I have gained much experience to help me as ASB President. Through planning events like ASB commissioner apps and Tino Crew, I’ve learned how to execute and improve them. For example, our Tino Crew meet-up was hectic since we didn’t anticipate the lack of time, but I’ve taken notes to improve flow next year. Also, from asking Tino students, my goals include lowering Winter Formal ticket prices by working with Spirit to negotiate and reducing campus trash by collaborating with the Octagon Cleaning Committee.

Why should you be the person to serve in your desired position?

Like I mentioned above, I have a lot of ASB Exec experience through my role as ASB Vice President. As someone who has been on Exec before I believe I can facilitate a smoother transition from Exec this year to the future Exec. This is because I already am aware of my role, responsibilities, and expectations and though this year I believe I have maintained them, next year as President I hope to improve them and work harder to exceed them. In addition to this, I have many other leadership roles on campus such as being 2026 class president and being VP of Tino Cancer Society. Due to this, I can work with people really well and listen to people's needs and concerns while also being able to lead people to do their best work.