ASB Treasurer Candidates 2025-2026

Aaron Luc

Hello! I’m Aaron Luc, a rising senior at Tino and I’m running to be your ASB Treasurer this upcoming school year! You might recognize me as the blond haired guy who yells at rallies, or this might be your first impression of me. If so, I’d love to get to know you so don’t be afraid to say hi! In the past, I’ve been my class treasurer and later a part of ASB Spirit. While on Spirit, I was able to plan and execute Homecoming, Winter Formal and more. Throughout these processes, my main focus was on serving YOU, the student! That focus won’t change as I campaign for ASB Treasurer. I hope to make this upcoming year the most memorable possible for everyone in all grades. Get to know more about me and my campaign @aaronluc_ on instagram!

What makes Cupertino High School unique?

Bay area schools, particularly in our district, are known for their academic rigor. However, though academically centered, Cupertino’s collaborative environment stimulates inclusion. ASB listens to student input, cultural clubs host inclusive events like multicultural night and there’s a club for nearly everyone. Through ASB, I’ve seen an uplifting community where students have equal chance to put themselves out there. At tino, events like Homecoming give all students the opportunity to perform and show spirit. Despite the ‘competitions,’ everyone is ultimately there to support each other. It’s undeniable that Cupertino can be a toxic place, however that isn’t what makes it unique; it’s how students overcome this by supporting one another.

How will ASB, under your leadership, move towards making Cupertino High School a better place?

A problem Cupertino faces is the lack of student knowledge of funds. Complaints fly by about dance ticket prices and why they’re so expensive. Admittedly, I used to be one of those students. Oftentimes, “Transparency” is an empty word thrown around in campaign goals, but in order to achieve transparency, action needs to be made. As treasurer, rather than forcing students to dig for information, I will push everything directly to them. ASB will post monthly updates on where funds went, events to look forward to and polls asking students where they’d like to see more resources allocated. Through TNT and social media, our finances will be interactive rather than hidden. Transparency will no longer be an empty promise, but rather real change.

Why should you be the person to serve in your desired position?

ASB Treasurer is a position that requires lots of work such as overseeing finances, accounting, projections and budgeting. These are all difficult tasks; however, they’re all areas I have already had much experience in. As 2026 treasurer, I planned fundraisers, accounted for our money and became familiar with the school’s finance system. The next year, I took it further and joined ASB Spirit. There, I effectively planned and executed large-scale events like Winter Formal and Homecoming, budgeting tens of thousands of dollars. As ASB Treasurer, my responsibilities would exceed what I’ve seen previously. However, like when I joined Council and Spirit, I’m confident in my ability to adapt to new situations, no matter how difficult they may be.