ASB Vice-President Candidates 2025-2026

Hoa Ryoo

Hey Tino! My name is Hoa Ryoo, I'm a current junior and I'm running for ASB vice president of upcoming 2025 -2026 year. I served as class of 2026's vice president for 2 years and ASB commissioner for 3 years, and I'm more than ready to continue my journey of making our school a better place, with you! You matter, and your voice matters to be heard, I will be there to listen to you, as we will shape our best, memorable school year together. I will work for YOU because this year is for US.

What makes Cupertino High School unique?

Cupertino High School’s warm community is what makes our school the most unique. Since my freshman year, I was amazed by how welcoming all the staffs and upperclassmen were. During the year, the support and help I’ve gotten from my teachers, upperclassmen, and even my own peers was unforgettable. Our school is widely known to be academically competitive; I always see my peers overworking themselves to achieve our goals. Yet, regardless to having each unique goals, we never fail to be there for each other. We work together, we comfort each other, learn from one another, and cheer all together when an exciting achievements. Each of our school’s communities are powerful and united, and there’s always a place in where can give you warm hug.

How will ASB, under your leadership, move towards making Cupertino High School a better place?

Under my leadership, our ASB will grow as a strong, united team where we shine each of our talent to make the Cupertino High School a better place. I will be a leader who thrives with the team, who goes through the down and ups of our journey together. To make Cupertino High School a better place, I’ll start by helping our ASB members to grow themselves, help them to open up their unique potential, that I see in everyone. Each of dedicated, talented individual will come into one group and unite as we look up to the one big goal; our school to be a better place.

Why should you be the person to serve in your desired position?

By my passion on leadership and ability to serve as a "helper", I can achieve our goal together with the team as ASB vice president. Since my freshman year, I’ve been working hard to serve our school and our school’s students to gift them the best year possible, and this became one of my biggest, most dedicated passions. As my passion will guarantee the best work I will be putting into this team, I should be serving as the ASB vice president of Cupertino High School. Based on my multiple leadership experiences in school, and my hard-working dedication, I will become a step tool for the team to achieve our ultimate goal together.